Member Symposium
Brendan Hunt
Associate Professor
Department of Entomology
University of Georgia
Griffin, Georgia
Rajendhran Rajakumar
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Karl Glastad
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
How is it that genetic evolution and developmental regulation give rise to complex and wondrous trait variation in insects? The goal of this symposium is to highlight recent advances in understanding how trait variation is regulated at the molecular level.
Attending the meeting in-person? Be sure to check out our live talks taking place Wednesday, November 3 at 1:30 PM in Meeting Room 601-603.
Presenting Author: Joe Parker – California Institute of Technology
Presenting Author: Catherine Linnen – University of Kentucky
Presenting Author: Sofia Casasa – Indiana University
Presenting Author: Beryl M. Jones – Princeton University
Presenting Author: Aishwarya Korgaonkar – HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Presenting Author: Zachariah Gompert – Utah State University
Presenting Author: Heather Bruce – Marine Biological Laboratory
Presenting Author: Arjuna Rajakumar – McGill University
Presenting Author: Heather M. Hines – Pennsylvania State University