Carrie Pratt PhD Student Oklahoma State University
Thalia Rios Senior Laboratory Technician University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Kristin Rodenburg Butterfly and Insect Keeper Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
Silvia Rondon Oregon IPM Center Director, Interim OSU Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Professor - Extension Entomology Specialist Oregon State University
Elizabeth Sakulich Ohio State University
Ramandeep Sandhi Postdoctoral Associate Cornell University
Hayley Schroeder Cornell University
Floyd Shockley Smithsonian Institution
Neil Spomer Corteva agriscience
Chris Stelzig Executive Director Entomological Society of America
Emily Struckhoff Graduate Student University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ashley Tessnow Postdoctoral Research Associate Texas A&M University
Morgan Thompson Graduate Student Texas A&M University
Ana Trabanino The Ohio State University
Carly Tribull Assistant professor Farmingdale State College