Member Symposium
Ann Fraser
Professor of Biology
Department of Biology
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Victor Izzo
Lecturer & Educational Coordinator, Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative
Plant and Soil Science
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Kiran Cunningham
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Scott Lewins
Entomology Extension Educator
University of Vermont Extension
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Aman Luthra
The George Washington University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
This session brings together natural and social scientists to share experiences with different participatory research methodologies (e.g. citizen science, action/participatory action research) across different entomological fields and explore how these can lead to more inclusive research processes, improve research outcomes and increase the likelihood that new practices are adopted.
Attending the meeting in-person? Be sure to check out our live talks taking place Tuesday, November 2 at 9:00 AM in Meeting Room 205-207.
Presenting Author: Carmen K. Blubaugh – University of Georgia
Presenting Author: Monika Egerer – Technische Universität München
Presenting Author: Houston Wilson – University of California
Presenting Author: Oscar Ortiz – International Potato Center
Presenting Author: Preeti Virkar – Rookh
Co-author: Ann M. Fraser – Kalamazoo College
Presenting Author: William E. Snyder – University of Georgia