Professor Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Transgenic plants expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins have become an important tool in management of some insect pests of corn, cotton, and soybean in many countries. Evolution of resistance in insects to Bt crops is a great threat to the sustainable use of Bt crop biotechnology. Many factors can influence the speed and intensity of Bt resistance development in the crop field. One of these factors is the fitness of the resistant insect populations on Bt plants. Studies have shown that the fitness of Bt resistant populations on Bt plants varies depending on insect populations, crops, and Bt traits. The objective of this presentation is to quantitatively analyze the relationship between the fitness of resistant insects on Bt plants and the evolution of Bt resistance. Information generated from the analysis should be useful in assessing risk of resistance evolution and improving Bt resistance management programs.