Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology
10-Minute Paper
Umut Toprak
Associate Professor
Ankara University
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Şerife Bayram
Emeritus professor
Ankara University
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Doug Baldwin
Research Technician
Saskatoon Research Center
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Cathy Coutu
Saskatoon Research Center
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dwayne Hegedus
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
Russell Groves
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Gözde Güney
Ankara University
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Cansu Doğan
Graduate Research Assistant
Ankara University
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Doğa Cedden
Ankara University
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
David Heckel
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Jena, Thuringen, Germany
The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the major defoliator of potato in the northern hemisphere. Adults overwinter under soil around 7 months of their lives in hibernation diapause and emerge from the soil by spring. Successful maintenance of diapause and emergence is closely related with stored lipids before diapause and their hydrolysis that occur in the fat body. In the current study, we followed multiple “omics” approaches; transcriptomics, proteomic and lipidomics of the fat body from actively-feeding larvae and adults, hibernating adults, and adults emerged from hibernation. 4,051 of a total of 30,842 transcripts revealed significant differential gene expression between the stages, while proteomic analyses generated a total of 1,621 proteins from 1,471 different clusters. Amongst these, 806, 410, 402 and 1,220 proteins were found to be associated with the fat body from feeding larvae, feeding adults, hibernating adults and adults emerged from hibernation, respectively. Lipidomic analysis revealed presence of 247 and 218 lipids in positive and negative modes, respectively. More specifically, 47 and 28.7% of the total lipids were triglycerides and fatty acids in the positive mode. The most predominant lipids in the stages together with the potential associated transcripts and proteins are presented within a model, which provides key clues in understanding the lipid metabolism and how they affect the phases of diapause in L. decemlineata. This research was supported by TÜBİTAK (Grant #:118O976).