Sr. Extension Associate Cornell Cooperative Extension Rochester, New York
After several years of education and outreach, 2020 saw the arrival of Spotted Lanternfly in New York State. Established populations were confirmed, first on Staten Island, and NYC quickly followed by other locations including sites near the wine grape growing regions of the Finger Lakes and the Hudson Valley. The NYS IPM program has been preparing for this and have a multi prong approach to help prevent problems associated with spotted lanternfly. Assistance to Educators In order to stay on top of the rapidly evolving spread and research data on this pest, a Spotted Lanternfly Outreach Listserv was established and regularly scheduled Zoom meetings were held for Cornell Extension specialists, invasive species experts and others in a community engagement roll. Through this and other venues presentations on Spotted Lanternfly alone reached a total of over 400 educators and horticulture industry members. Due to the vulnerability of vineyards to spotted lanternfly we established a close communication with NYS grape extension and specialists through direct contacts, the new listserv, and outreach through their extension programs. Special efforts including bi-lingulal outreach are being made to reach vineyard field workers who are in the position to be early dectors of spotted lanternfly. Collaboration with Partners Good communication channels were established with NYS Dept. Ag & Mkts and regional invasive species specialists to coordinate efforts. In addition, inter-state cooperation has allowed for sharing of research and field experience, these insights have been extermely benefical in our efforts to contain and mitagate damage from spotted lanterfly.