Plant-Insect Ecosystems
10-Minute Paper
Elena M. Rhodes
Biological Scientist
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Pablo Urbaneja
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Chatsworth, New Jersey
Cesar R. Rodriguez-Saona
Extension Specialist in Entomology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Chatsworth, New Jersey
Arun Babu
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Ashfaq Sial
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Oscar E. Liburd
Professor of Agricultural Entomology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
A major invasive pest of small fruit and berry crops worldwide, spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), is mainly managed with frequent applications of insecticides. One emerging technology to help reduce the number of insecticide applications and increase the management options of organic growers is attract-and-kill technology. Laboratory, small field cage, and large field cage assays were done comparing either ACCTRA OR1 or ACTTRA TD mixed with various organic insecticides to each other and an untreated control. In the laboratory, these included Azera, Entrust, Grandevo SC, Grandevo WDG, Entrust, Pyganic 1.4EC, Venerate EP, and Venerate XC. In the small cage assay, these included Entrust, Grandevo SC, Pyganic, and Venerate EP. Only Entrust, Pyganic, and Venerate EP were used in the large field cage assay. In the laboratory assay, Entrust caused the highest mortality followed by Pyganic. Venerate EP also caused some mortality. There were no differences in emergence among treatments in the laboratory or small cage assays. In the large cage assay, emergence was lower in the Entrust and Pyganic treatments compared with both the untreated control and Venerate EP.