Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology
PBT: Behavior, Pest Management, and Physiology On-Demand Posters
Haoyong Ouyang
Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Muhammad Haseeb
Associate Professor and IPM Coordinator
Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Runzhi Zhang
Professor of Entomology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, Beijing, China (People's Republic)
Tonic immobility (TI) is one of the anti-predator behavior to reduce the influence of predation. Although, the relationship between TI and mating behavior have been reported, few studies investigated the influence of TI to different phases of insect copulation. Courtship and copulation both are important phases of mating behavior. The possible costs involve energy expenditures and can enhance predation risk. Artificially induced courting, copulating and resting the sweetpotato weevil (SPW) Cylas formicarius (Coleoptera: Brentidae) in the L-strain and S-strain under the TI was compared for the duration of courtship. The duration of TI of courtship and copulation are significant shorter than resting group in L and S strain. This study will help to determine the investment trade-off between anti-predator behavior and reproduction in other insects.