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By attending any ESA event, you agree to voluntarily abide by our ethics policy.

A code of conduct is a collection of rules and regulations that include what is and is not acceptable or expected behavior. By attending any ESA event, you agree voluntarily to abide by our code of conduct policy.

Authorship: All authors connected to a presentation and/or abstract must agree on all information contained in the presentation. Failure of an author to agree to the presentation format will lead to the presentation being withdrawn from the conference.

An author who submits a presentation to any ESA Meeting must have intentions of attending, registering, and presenting at the meeting once the submission is accepted into the program. Repeated or consecutive last-minute cancellations by presenters may result in future submissions being denied.

Capturing, Sharing, and Posting without Permission: Presenters and attendees cannot photograph, screenshot, capture, or otherwise share images or presentation data without a presenter’s expressed written permission. Presenters are encouraged to use our share (downloadable)/do not share (downloadable) icons. Presentations without “share” icons should be considered privileged and should not be shared outside the virtual platform.

COVID-19 Safety: Before, During and After the Meeting

Onsite During the Event

Post-event: Based on current contact tracing advice from many health authorities, if you test positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days after returning home, please contact ESA to advise them.

Harassment and Safety: ESA is dedicated to providing a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for everyone attending our events, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. It is important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither healthy nor productive. Accordingly, ESA prohibits intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct during our conferences. This policy applies to speakers, staff, volunteers, and attendees. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference, at the discretion of ESA leadership.

Harassment of ESA participants will not be tolerated in any form. Harassment includes offensive gestures or verbal comments related to ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention. In addition, online harassment includes spamming online discussion boards, chats, question section, or social media by saying or reposting the same word/content repeatedly to disrupt the conversation. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If a participant or exhibitor engages in harassing behavior, ESA leadership may take any action ranging from a simple warning to the offender to expulsion from this and future conferences. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact ESA staff who can work with appropriate ESA leadership to resolve the situation.

ESA staff will revoke meeting credentials to anyone engaged in online harassment and may seek the assistance of law enforcement if necessary. We value your attendance and want to make your experience as productive and professionally stimulating as possible.

Expected Behavior:

Unacceptable Behavior:
It is important that our meeting be a place where no attendee or staff is ever bullied, belittled, criticized, or made to feel unsafe. The following behavior will not be tolerated:

Want to file a complaint, have questions, or need assistance?
Please contact Stacie East, ESA's Director Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at +1 (301) 731-4535 x3030 or e-mail.