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10-min: Ten-minute (oral) papers
ACE: Associate Certified Entomologist
AMNH: American Museum of Natural History
Antlion Pit: The Antlion Pit Competition is designed to empower ESA members to develop and present their innovative ideas for entomology-related products and services.
APHIS: Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service
ARS: Agricultural Research Service
BCE: Board Certified Entomologist
Branches: ESA's Branches are designated on the basis of geographical contiguity for the purpose of holding meetings, providing an opportunity for presentation of papers, and stimulating interest in entomology. There are 6 branches: Eastern, International, North Central, Pacific, Southeastern, and Southwestern.
Bt: Bacillus thuringiensis CABI: Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
CCC: Colorado Convention Center
CEMB: Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology
CÉROM: Grain Research Center
CRAM: Canadian Regional Agricultural Model
CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Entomology Games: The Entomology Games is a college-bowl-style contest in which student teams from competing universities test their entomological knowledge by answering questions on insect science.
ESA: Entomological Society of America
ESBC: Entomological Society of British Columbia
ESC: Entomological Society of Canada
ICIPE: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
INRA: National Institute of Agronomic Research
INTA: National Agricultural Technology Institute
IPM: Integrated Pest Management
Member Symposia: A wide range of topics and subject matter a covered by this category; some of which are very narrowly focused.
MUVE: Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology. One of the Section topics.
NIFA: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
PBT: Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology. One of the Section topics.
P-IE: Plant-Insect Ecosystems. One of the Section topics.
Program Symposia: The meeting’s top-tier symposia. These are broad in scope and reflect the theme of the meeting.
SENASA: National Service of Agricultural Health and Quality
Section Symposia: These symposia are overarching in theme and serve the interest of one or more Section topics: MUVE, PBT, P-IE, SysEB.
SIT: Sterile Insect Technique
SysEB: Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity. One of the Section topics.
US CDC: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
USDI: United States Department of the Interior