Exploring the effects of soil mites on crop production
Member Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Amblyomma americanum (10)
On Demand
Effect of storage conditions from the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum samples in RNA extraction quality
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Public health risk of encountering a host seeking tick at Lake Thunderbird State Park, Norman, OK
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
2021 Lillian and Alex Feir Graduate Student Travel Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, or Molecular Biology Winner Presentation
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyOrganized Meeting
On Demand
Advancing the PIRK, a transfluthrin-based personal repellent kit for tick bite prevention
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Challenges and opportunities for tick-borne disease prevention
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Management of an established population of the Lone Star Tick, Amblyomma americanum, using 4-poster devices in coastal Connecticut, USA
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
2:30 PM – 2:42 PM MT
Type II dermal gland secretion and serotonin signaling in the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:24 AM – 9:36 AM MT
Silencing of a putatively immune-related lipocalin-like gene in Amblyomma americanum
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
Analysis of five Amblyomma americanum putative immune genes reveals differential expression patterns during gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial infections
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:42 AM – 10:54 AM MT
Evaluation of TRAF as a putatively immune-related gene in Amblyomma americanum
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Acari Ixodidae Boophilus annulatus (1)
On Demand
Cattle fever ticks in south Texas: Current control strategies and challenges
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Boophilus microplus (2)
On Demand
The roles and profiles of miRNAs during host feeding in a one-host tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, and a three-host tick, Ixodes scapularis
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Cattle fever ticks in south Texas: Current control strategies and challenges
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Dermacentor andersoni (1)
On Demand
Clathrin, caveolin, or a big gulp? How tick borne pathogens enter tick cells
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Dermacentor occidentalis (1)
On Demand
Surveillance and risk assessment for tick-borne pathogens along the US/Mexico border
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Acari Ixodidae Dermacentor variabilis (4)
On Demand
Characterizing tissue specific responses of the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) exposed to the repellent DEET
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Surveillance and risk assessment for tick-borne pathogens along the US/Mexico border
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
An ecological assessment of ticks in the southeastern United States
Member Symposium
On Demand
Unruly southern ticks
Member Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Haemaphysalis longicornis (3)
On Demand
The New York State tick blitz: harnessing citizen science to understand range expansion of ticks
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Survivorship of the Asian longhorned tick under different temperature and relative humidity values
Member Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:54 AM – 12:06 PM MT
Spray and pour-on acaricides killed Tennessee (U.S.A.) field-collected Haemaphysalis longicornis nymphs Neumann (Acari: Ixodidae) in laboratory bioassays
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Acari Ixodidae Ixodes pacificus (1)
On Demand
Vector competence and transcriptome response of the western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus, to different blood meal hosts
Member Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Ixodes scapularis (32)
On Demand
Cellular stress responses elicit protective immunity in ticks against transmissible pathogens
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Symbiont growth and localization in Ixodes scapularis
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
A transcript corresponding to a predicted secreted protein affects flavivirus infection of Ixodes scapularis salivary gland cultures
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Biophysical drivers of tick exposure risk due to climate change in Maine
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Forest management reduces Ixodes scapularis densities via multiple mechanistic pathways
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Genetic variation of Ixodes scapularis in the Eastern U.S
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Identifying suitable habitat for Borrelia burgdorferi infected Ixodes scapularis nymphs in the eastern United States and alignment with the geographic distribution of Lyme disease cases
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Local drivers of blacklegged tick ecology in an emergent area for tick-borne disease
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Public health risk of encountering a host seeking tick at Lake Thunderbird State Park, Norman, OK
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The Ixodes scapularis endosymbiont Rickettsia buchneri inhibits the growth of pathogenic Rickettsiaceae in tick cells: potential contributions to vector competence
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Using citizen science to understand how forest management impacts ticks and tick-borne pathogens
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Advancing the PIRK, a transfluthrin-based personal repellent kit for tick bite prevention
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
An ecological assessment of ticks in the southeastern United States
Member Symposium
On Demand
Challenges and opportunities for tick-borne disease prevention
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Changing Peromyscus distributions in the upper Midwest and consequences for tick-borne pathogens
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Dynamics of insulin signaling in the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
On Demand
Embracing the "nasty" parasites of wildlife to improve animal welfare and human health
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Evaluation of host-targeted control against the immature stages of Ixodes scapularis at field study sites in Howard County, Maryland
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Investigating behavioral drivers of differential black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) burdens on two sympatric rodent species
Member Symposium
On Demand
Small mammal use of Thermacell tick control tubes
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Tick-borne co-infections: Impact on Borrelia burgdorferi and Powassan virus transmission, and disease outcomes
Member Symposium
On Demand
Unruly southern ticks
Member Symposium
On Demand
Vesicles from tick salivary glands modulate tick-host interactions
Member Symposium
On Demand
A survey of commercial pest control companies on tick control practice in five states identifies needs for training on tick biology and behavior
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyMember Symposium
On Demand
Ecological drivers of the blacklegged tick geographic range expansion
Program Symposium
On Demand
Modeling ticks and what we need for integrating wildlife information
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyMember Symposium
On Demand
Explaining and predicting tickborne disease trends using tick surveillance data
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Microbiome analysis and pathogen survey in Ixodes scapularis across the Upper Midwest
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Moving to sustainability in tick surveillance: Data-driven recommendations for improving surveillance efficiency
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Tailored public health messages: Passive tick surveillance as an online portal for connecting to a tick expert
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Tracking trends in persistent and emerging tickborne disease threats: An overview of national tick and tickborne pathogen surveillance
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
What's in a tick? New methods for vector and pathogen identification
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Acari Ixodidae Rhipicephalus sanguineus (2)
On Demand
Tropical and temperate lineages of Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. ticks host different strains of Coxiella-like endosymbionts
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
11:42 AM – 11:54 AM MT
Simulation of Rhipicephalus sanguineus phenology in residential environments using an individual-based model
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Acari Macronyssidae Ornithonyssus sylviarum (1)
On Demand
Ectoparasite effects on chicken behavior
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Acari Tarsonemidae Acarapis woodi (1)
On Demand
Potential mandible differences in the transcriptome among different bee stocks: A multifaceted approach
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Acari Tarsonemidae Phytonemus pallidus (2)
On Demand
Efficacy of miticides and biopesticides for cyclamen mite (Phytonemus pallidus) control in strawberry
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Molecular detection of cyclamen mite (Phytonemus pallidus) in strawberry
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Acari Tarsonemidae Polyphagotarsonemus latus (1)
On Demand
Positioning Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) transvaalensis as a strong candidate for augmentative biological control of phytophagous mites and thrips
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Acari Tenuipalpidae (1)
On Demand
Revaluation of the genus Cenopalpus
Member Symposium
Acari Tetranychidae (1)
On Demand
Water-efficient crop technologies as a tool in spider mite management in corn
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Acari Tetranychidae Oligonychus pratensis (1)
On Demand
Resisting spider mites in a water-stressed cropping system
Member Symposium
Acari Tetranychidae Tetranychus urticae (9)
On Demand
Miticidal and Repellent Activity of thirty Essential Oils and their synergistic interaction with Vanillin against the Two Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Positioning Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) transvaalensis as a strong candidate for augmentative biological control of phytophagous mites and thrips
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Survivability of diapausing females of two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) in water
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Drone-released versus hand-released predatory mites for biological control of strawberry pests in Florida
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Effects of UVC irradiation on predatory mites for biological control efforts in Florida
Member Symposium
On Demand
Resisting spider mites in a water-stressed cropping system
Member Symposium
On Demand
Twospotted spider mite IPM for urban agriculture
Member Symposium
On Demand
Management of Tetranychus urticae with alternating conventional, biological and mechanical controls
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
11:20 AM – 11:35 AM MT
Mighty mite: Pervasive acaricide resistance in Tetranychus urticae
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Member Symposium
Blattodea (1)
On Demand
Occurrence of termite species in infested houses, Thailand
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Blattodea Blattellidae Blattella germanica (7)
On Demand
Antennal responses of the German cockroach to select essential oil mixtures
Short-term spatial niche partitioning between the larger grain borer and the maize weevil with implications for management of stored maize
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 505-507
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Bostrichidae Rhyzopertha dominica (4)
On Demand
Population dynamics and resource utilization of Rhyzopertha dominica in Manhattan, KS
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Impressionable wasps: How rearing host affects the foraging ecology and field efficacy of an augmentative biological control agent of stored products
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
1:42 PM – 1:54 PM MT
Assessing the locomotor behavior of phosphine-susceptible and -resistant Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) after exposure to controlled release materials with different active ingredients
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
2:06 PM – 2:18 PM MT
Did extreme cold temperatures in Oklahoma affect stored grain insects?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Brentidae (1)
On Demand
Sequencing and assembly of the Cylas formicarius genome: Protecting Hawaiian agriculture in the battle between good and weevil
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Coleoptera Buprestidae Agrilus planipennis (9)
On Demand
Assessing geographic variation in the risk of invasion by emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Assessing the long-term response of ash throughout the EAB invasion
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Impact of biological control agents on Canadian emerald ash borer parasitoids
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
RNAi delivery for emerald ash borer: translocation and persistence of pest-specific dsRNA in the host plant
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Dispersal and establishment of parasitoids of Agrilus planipennis in the eastern U.S.
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Dispersal and establishment of parasitoids of Agrilus planipennis in the eastern U.S.
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
A temperature-driven cohort-based rate-summation model for forecasting population dynamics of emerald ash borer and its natural enemies under changing climates
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
A temperature-driven cohort-based rate-summation model for forecasting population dynamics of emerald ash borer and its natural enemies under changing climates
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
4:06 PM – 4:18 PM MT
Rapid Autonomous Spatial Spread of Introduced Parasitoids for Biological Control of Emerald Ash Borer (Coleoptera:Buprestidae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Presenting Author: Stokes A. Aker – Penn State Entomology
Carabidae in a coal mine?: Forensic analysis of Hawai‵i’ insect apocalypse
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Investigating the processes influencing community assembly in the montane ground beetle genus Nebria (Carabidae: Nebriini) in the northern Cascades Range, USA
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Biodiversity and biocontrol IRL: Lessons learned from noisy on-farm data
Invasion history of the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) in North America
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Tissue-specific signatures of diapause in the Asian longhorned beetle using RNA-seq
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Overview of Environmental Entomology and the journal's award winners
Organized Meeting
Sunday, Oct 31st
2:42 PM – 2:54 PM MT
The Asian longhorned beetle in South Carolina: A status update and summary of ongoing research
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Cerambycidae Goes tigrinus (1)
On Demand
Delivery of dsRNAs in woody plant tissues for single tree protection
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae (1)
Sunday, Oct 31st
8:00 AM – 8:12 AM MT
A natural experiment untangling the roles of geography and diet on seed beetle diversification
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Acalymma trivittatum (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
12:06 PM – 12:18 PM MT
Stripes and spots: Evaluating an aggregation pheromone, vittatalactone, for western striped (Acalymma trivittatum) and western spotted (Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata) cucumber beetles
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Stripes and spots: Evaluating an aggregation pheromone, vittatalactone, for western striped (Acalymma trivittatum) and western spotted (Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata) cucumber beetles
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Comparison of the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana GHA to field collected isolates in sterile and soil-based assays
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Creating a regional sticky trap network for corn rootworm adults: Take-aways from year one
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Developing reference quality genome assemblies for row crop pests
Member Symposium
On Demand
Mechanisms influencing the efficiency of RNA interference in the European corn borer
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
SmartStax PRO® Technology: The first commercial use of RNAi technology for managing corn rootworm
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Targeting specific pests through RNA interference
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:30 AM – 11:42 AM MT
Larval movement and survival for western corn rootworm and European corn borer in blended refuges of short-stature corn
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
2:54 PM – 3:06 PM MT
Evidence of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) field-evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1 + Cry34/35Ab1 maize in Nebraska
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Diorhabda carinulata (1)
On Demand
De novo chromosome-level genome assemblies and comparative genomics of tamarisk biocontrol agents: Diorhabda carinulata, D. carinata, D. elongata, and D. sublineata
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Diorhabda sublineata (1)
On Demand
De novo chromosome-level genome assemblies and comparative genomics of tamarisk biocontrol agents: Diorhabda carinulata, D. carinata, D. elongata, and D. sublineata
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Gonioctena americana (1)
On Demand
Where do I belong? Claiming your space, culture, and community in STEM
Establishment and dispersal of two biocontrol agents one year after their release: Management of the invasive weed, Parthenium hysterophorus, at two locations in Ethiopia
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Epilachna borealis (1)
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:55 PM – 2:10 PM MT
Perfecting the poop-life balance: Surplus manure fertility in insect food webs
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Harmonia axyridis (1)
On Demand
Ant-psyllid mutualism and its effect on the abundance of natural enemies and predation by lady beetle larvae
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Whole-system IPM means herbicides too: A closer look at non-target effects on predators
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Rodolia cardinalis (1)
On Demand
Biological control: An essential component of the toolbox for managing invasive species in the Galapagos Islands
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Coleoptera Curculionidae (3)
On Demand
A review on Miltotranes Zimmerman, 1994 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae), the Bowenia-pollinated cycad weevils in Australia, with description of a new species and new insights into Bowenia systematics
Organized Meeting
On Demand
The efficacy of Ceratocystis-infected ʻōhiʻa tree management strategies to prevent the spread of Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Molecular phylogenetics and chronograms as a tool for predicting and managing weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) pests
Presenting Author: Lourdes Chamorro – United States Department of Agriculture
Parasitoid wasp Jaliscoa hunteri Crawford (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) can effectively suppress pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii Cano) at both first and third larval instars
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The sterile insect technique as a novel tool for control of pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii Cano) in greenhouse and field pepper crops
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Integrated approach for managing pepper weevil,Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Florida
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
4:30 PM – 4:42 PM MT
Integrated approach for managing pepper weevil,Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Florida
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Responses of four bark beetle species to catastrophic hurricane damage in southeastern US pine forests
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera brunnipennis (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Clarifying pyrethroid resistance and exploring interactions with insecticide use in California alfalfa weevil
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera postica (4)
On Demand
Alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica, insecticide resistance on the Canadian prairies: revealing mechanisms through transcriptomics
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Entomological research in a teaching-based university: How undergraduate research interests influence our research programs
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Clarifying pyrethroid resistance and exploring interactions with insecticide use in California alfalfa weevil
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:24 AM – 9:36 AM MT
Harvest timing and alfalfa weevil across the intermountain west
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypothenemus hampei (1)
On Demand
Searching for the Achilles' heel of pests within their microbiome
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Curculionidae Ips calligraphus (1)
On Demand
Gene silencing as a potential novel tool in Ips calligraphus suppression
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Ips grandicollis (1)
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:36 AM – 9:48 AM MT
Range expansion of a domestic bark beetle associated with tree mortality
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Listronotus (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Establishment and dispersal of two biocontrol agents one year after their release: Management of the invasive weed, Parthenium hysterophorus, at two locations in Ethiopia
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Measuring quantitative resistance against the walnut twig beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis) in a mapping population of Sparrow x Schessler black walnuts (Juglans nigra)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Sitophilus granarius (1)
On Demand
Dual biological control: Characterization of fungi and bacteria to control granary weevil and fungal pathogens of stored grain
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Sitophilus oryzae (4)
On Demand
Effects of low oxygen storage on survival of rice weevil and confused flour beetle
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of neem oil on adult Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) acoustic activity patterns and mortality
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Impressionable wasps: How rearing host affects the foraging ecology and field efficacy of an augmentative biological control agent of stored products
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Uncovering the context-dependent use of microbially-produced volatile cues by stored product insects in the post-harvest environment
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Curculionidae Sitophilus zeamais (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
11:30 AM – 11:42 AM MT
Short-term spatial niche partitioning between the larger grain borer and the maize weevil with implications for management of stored maize
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 505-507
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Smicronyx fulvus (1)
On Demand
Overwintering, freezing point, and thermal biology and of the red sunflower seed weevil,Smicronyx fulvus LeConte
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Curculionidae Xylosandrus (1)
On Demand
Monitoring and reporting in near real-time the flight activity of Ambrosia beetles in tree orchards and nurseries
Monitoring and reporting in near real-time the flight activity of Ambrosia beetles in tree orchards and nurseries
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Coleoptera Dermestidae Trogoderma granarium (1)
On Demand
Climbing ability of khapra beetle larvae on artificial household and insecticide-treated materials
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Elateridae Agriotes (1)
On Demand
Investigating mechanisms of reproductive isolation between Limonius congeners (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and testing of ‘catch-all’ click beetle pheromone lures
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Elateridae Agriotes mancus (1)
On Demand
Identification of sex pheromone components of two Nearctic Agriotes species (Coleoptera: Elateridae)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Use of sex pheromones for wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) management in Canada
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Elateridae Hypnoidus abbreviatus (3)
On Demand
Flatten the huanglongbing (HLB) curve! The importance of IPM to limit its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Use of sex pheromones for wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) management in Canada
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Landscape-scale host crop area and crop diversity as drivers of pest abundance and biological control in wheat agro-ecosystems of the northern Great Plains
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Coleoptera Elateridae Limonius (1)
On Demand
Investigating mechanisms of reproductive isolation between Limonius congeners (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and testing of ‘catch-all’ click beetle pheromone lures
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Elateridae Limonius californicus (3)
On Demand
International Branch John Henry Comstock Award Winner Presentation
Organized Meeting
Monday, Nov 1st
11:54 AM – 12:06 PM MT
Sugar beet wireworm (Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae)) host preference: Quantifying wireworm response to CO2 and root volatiles
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 4
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
8:20 AM – 8:40 AM MT
Journey of an early career entomologist: IPM from India to the United States
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Are bug meals bug free? Stored-product insect infestations in edible insect processing
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Tenebrio molitor (1)
On Demand
Are bug meals bug free? Stored-product insect infestations in edible insect processing
Member Symposium
Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Tribolium castaneum (9)
On Demand
Biofuel byproducts mimic insect growth regulators at inducing lethality of immature but not adult stored product insects
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of neem oil on adult Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) acoustic activity patterns and mortality
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
N6-Adenosine (m6A) mRNA methylation is required for Tribolium castaneum ecdysis and female reproductio
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Neuropeptide bursicon influences reproductive physiology via the IIS/TOR signaling in Tribolium castaneum
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
RNAi modifications as novel targets for stored pest management
Member Symposium
On Demand
Synthetic amorphous silica for post-harvest control of Tribolium castaneum and Plodia interpunctella in California tree nut commodities
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The origin of insect wings
Member Symposium
On Demand
The quest for the best dsRNA target sequences – Genome wide screen and sequence tinkering
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
1:42 PM – 1:54 PM MT
Assessing the locomotor behavior of phosphine-susceptible and -resistant Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) after exposure to controlled release materials with different active ingredients
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Tribolium confusum (2)
On Demand
Biofuel byproducts mimic insect growth regulators at inducing lethality of immature but not adult stored product insects
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of low oxygen storage on survival of rice weevil and confused flour beetle
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
12:06 PM – 12:18 PM MT
Aedes aegypti Insecticide resistance,temperature, and cytochrome P450
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:05 AM – 9:20 AM MT
Insulin signaling and the mosquito fat body: What we know and where we go next
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
8:35 AM – 8:55 AM MT
Repelling mosquitoes with electric fields
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201-203
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Diptera Culicidae Aedes albopictus (9)
On Demand
Comparative infection responses to fungal entomopathogens in Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Differences in plant resources for Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes along socioeconomic gradients in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Environmental sources of the Aedes albopictus microbiome
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
PGE2 mediates oogenesis of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Skin absorption as a key factor for determination of protection time in DEET-based mosquito repellent formulations against the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
RNAi-based attractive targeted sugar baits
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
Community-driven mosquito egg collections yield high-quality data for Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito surveillance
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 503-504
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:42 AM – 10:54 AM MT
Evaluating the efficacy of Bti based larvicide treatments for control of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in ornamental bromeliad phytotelmata
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 503-504
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:05 AM – 9:20 AM MT
Insulin signaling and the mosquito fat body: What we know and where we go next
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Diptera Culicidae Aedes triseriatus (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
Community-driven mosquito egg collections yield high-quality data for Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito surveillance
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 503-504
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Culicidae Anopheles quadrimaculatus (1)
On Demand
Photic regulation of mosquito biting behavior: Light pollution, circadian timing and implications for disease transmission
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Diptera Culicidae Culex (1)
On Demand
A macroevolutionary view of host preference in mosquitoes
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Diptera Culicidae Culex pipiens (8)
On Demand
Comparative infection responses to fungal entomopathogens in Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Contributions of Culex pipiens diapause incidence to West Nile virus seasonality
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Differences in plant resources for Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes along socioeconomic gradients in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Biorational products are effective spatial repellents against multiple mosquito genera
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Sleep in mosquitoes: General correlates and its potential role in disease transmission
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Genetic and phenotypic assessment of the insecticide susceptibility of Culex pipiens and Culex restuans in Illinois
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 503-504
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM MT
Suppressed expression of oxidoreductin-like protein, oxidor, increases follicle degeneration and decreases survival during the overwintering diapause of the mosquito Culex pipiens
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:45 PM – 3:00 PM MT
The effects of urban pollutants on mosquito dormancy and disease risk
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 210-212
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Diptera Culicidae Culex quinquefasciatus (4)
On Demand
Cluster randomized entomological survey to determine the role of cisterns in the production of Aedes aegypti in the US Virgin Islands
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Detection of pyrethroid resistance associated SNPs in the Nav channel and resistance ratios in Culex quinquefasciatus female mosquitoes from Harris County, TX, USA
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Evaluation of the In2Care Mosquito Trap against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes under semi-field conditions
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
RNAi-based attractive targeted sugar baits
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Diptera Drosophilidae (2)
On Demand
Distribution of insecticidal activity across the genus Pseudomonas
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Desiccation resistance is an adaptive life-history trait dependent upon cuticular hydrocarbons, and influenced by mating status and temperature in D. melanogaster
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Diptera Drosophilidae Drosophila suzukii (20)
On Demand
Assessing Drosophila suzukii as a vector of Caneberry fruit rot pathogens
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Comparing relative attractiveness of adult spotted-wing drosophila to blueberries treated with different insecticides with or without a novel adjuvant combi-protec
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Do physiological host ranges of Drosophila suzukii parasitoids reflect their ecological host ranges in an adventive landscape?
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Erythritol field trials for SWD, Drosophila suzukii
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Examining the development of specialization within a generalist parasitoid
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Exploration and study of the native parasitoids for biological control of invasive spotted-wing drosophila
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Exploration and study of the native parasitoids for biological control of invasive spotted-wing drosophila
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Facilitating mass rearing of a spotted wing drosophila parasitoid via cold storage
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
First report of field-derived Drosophila suzukii resistance to pyrethroids in California
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Fruit chemistry as it relates to Drosophila suzukii oviposition
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Interactions between spotted-wing drosophila and black soldier fly in fruit wastes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Optimization and field testing of a larval sampling method for detecting spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Screening of insecticidal resistance in spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii Matsumura) field populations in blueberry production regions in Georgia
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Sticky Pi, an AI-powered smart insect trap for community circadian ecology
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Agroecology as a lens for managing the invasive spotted-wing drosophila using plastic mulches
Member Symposium
On Demand
Helping native parasitoids eat invasive species from the inside out
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Flying under the radar: Drosophila suzukii in the national forests of North Carolina has implications for ecology and management
Program Symposium
On Demand
Transgenic strains for genetic control of spotted wing drosophila and the Australian sheep blow fly
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyMember Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Effect of erythritol, a prospective human-safe insecticide for Drosophila suzukii, on honeybee (Apis mellifera) visitation and brood survival
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:54 PM – 2:06 PM MT
Insect biology and host fruit volatiles can influence the efficacy of novel attract and kill (ACTTRA SWD) formulations against Drosophila suzukii
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Diptera Drosophilidae Zaprionus indianus (1)
On Demand
Dorsoventral motion processing asymmetry in drosophilid vision (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Diptera Muscidae Haematobia irritans (1)
On Demand
Fast and sexually dimorphic photoreceptors – sensory tools for mate recognition systems in horn flies and stable flies?
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica (6)
On Demand
Foundations of chemosensation in the common housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Indolergic odorant receptors are an ancient feature of dipteran olfactory systems
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Patterns of immune effector gene expression across house fly life history gives insight into their ability to flourish in filth
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Spatiotemporal variation of bacterial communities in female house flies sssociated with beef cattle farms
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Sunday, Oct 31st
8:36 AM – 8:48 AM MT
Stability of behavioral resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly (Musca domestica)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 210-212
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:40 PM – 1:55 PM MT
It all began with a phone call: How a vector control agency addresses neighborhood invasions
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyMember Symposium
Diptera Muscidae Stomoxys calcitrans (2)
On Demand
Evaluation of stable fly traps and attractants in pineapple fields in Costa Rica
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Fast and sexually dimorphic photoreceptors – sensory tools for mate recognition systems in horn flies and stable flies?
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Stratiomyidae Hermetia illucens (2)
On Demand
Interactions between spotted-wing drosophila and black soldier fly in fruit wastes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Optimizing bioconversion of food waste with black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens)
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Syrphidae (2)
On Demand
Flower preference and hoverfly diversity in pollinator gardens
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Core microbiomes of solitary pollinators: comparison of native bees and flies (Hymenoptera: Anthophila; Diptera: Sryphidae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Tephritidae Anastrepha ludens (1)
On Demand
The sex life of tephritid flies and thriving as a woman scientist in Latin America
Member Symposium
Diptera Tephritidae Bactrocera (1)
On Demand
CRISPR/Cas12a for the detection of pests and pathogens
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Diptera Tephritidae Ceratitis capitata (4)
On Demand
Ceratitis capitata microbiota: Implications in insect control
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Ceratitis capitata microbiota: Implications in insect control
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
CRISPR/Cas12a for the detection of pests and pathogens
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Parasitoid wasps, viruses, and prospects for biocontrol
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Diptera Tephritidae Rhagoletis completa (1)
On Demand
Adaptive radiation and its relationship to ecological and non-ecological speciation in a group of walnut infesting Tephritid flies
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityMember Symposium
Diptera Tephritidae Rhagoletis indifferens (2)
On Demand
Thermotolerance and metabolic reserves of diapausing pupae of the western cherry fruit fly
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Wolbachia invasion in western cherry – infesting Rhagoletis
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Diptera Tephritidae Rhagoletis pomonella (4)
On Demand
Connecting neuromodulation, brain development, and life history adaptation underlying ongoing ecological speciation in Rhagoletis pomonella
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Partial ribosomal non-transcribed spacer sequences distinguish the snowberry fly, Rhagoletis zephyria Snow from the apple maggot, R. pomonella (Walsh)
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Recursive adaptation in action: allochronic isolation and divergence of host-associated populations of the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) following its recent introduction to the western United States
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Assessing the efficacy of hail-netting for sustainable apple pest management in Minnesota
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 4
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera (1)
On Demand
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Organized Meeting
Hemiptera Adelgidae Adelges tsugae (2)
On Demand
Science communication: Hemlock conservation, insecticides, pollinator risk, trade offs, and accurate fact representation
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Subterranean survivorship and seasonal emergence of Laricobius spp. (Coleoptera: Derodontidae), biological control agents for the hemlock woolly adelgid.
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Aleurocanthus (1)
On Demand
Morpho-phylogenetic evidence of Eretmocerus sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitism in Camellia spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus camelliae (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) in Japan
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Bemisia tabaci (15)
On Demand
Attractiveness of Bemisia tabaci to different visual targets in field and lab settings
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of selected biopesticides on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci and its natural enemies
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Laboratory virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The interaction of two tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Bemisia tabaci and its effect on vector transmission
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Why are whitefly infestations increasing in south Georgia?
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Advances in breeding for resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses in watermelon
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of whitefly-transmitted cucurbit leaf crumple disease in yellow squash planted in southern Georgia
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Canine detection of whitefly-transmitted vegetable viruses
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Cucurbita germplasm with resistance to whitefly-transmitted viruses
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Evaluating transgenic tomato for resistance to the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Linking warmer temperatures, greater insecticide use, and worsening pest outbreaks
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Neighborhood pest management of whitefly-transmitted vegetable viruses
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
The relevance of a predatory mite in the management of insect-transmitted viruses in vegetable production
Member Symposium
On Demand
Begomovirus structural proteins to target the whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyMember Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
Evaluation of a push-pull system for managing the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), in organic squash
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 4
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Aphididae (1)
On Demand
Trophic impacts of a rolled-rye mulch on the lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) and the predatory midge (Aphidoletes aphidimyza) in lettuce grown in organic soils
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum (2)
On Demand
Mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in clonal cultures of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Fifteen years of pea aphid and legume virus monitoring in the Palouse: Lessons learned and ways forward
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Hemiptera Aphididae Aphis fabae (1)
On Demand
Effects of tillage, irrigation, and nitrogen on insect pests in sugar beet
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Aphididae Aphis glycines (2)
On Demand
Impacts of soybean aphid and Japanese beetle or artificial defoliation on spectral reflectance of soybean canopies
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Soybean aphids modify plant cuticle and lipid signaling during soybean colonization
Grower-researcher partnerships for development of vineyard habitat diversification practices to enhance biological control
Member Symposium
Hemiptera Cicadellidae Erythroneura ziczac (1)
On Demand
Grower-researcher partnerships for development of vineyard habitat diversification practices to enhance biological control
Member Symposium
Hemiptera Cicadidae Magicicada septendecim (2)
On Demand
Cascading effects of an ecological pulse: Indirect effects of periodical cicada
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Eat bugs, save the planet: Developing appealing cicada recipes to introduce the public to entomophagy
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Cimicidae Cimex lectularius (13)
On Demand
Common bed bugs possess a robust ability to produce histamine
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of mode of delivery of Beauveria bassiana GHA on infectivity in bed bugs and German cockroaches
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Field evaluations of sulfuryl fluoride (Vikane®) fumigation at a 1.9x dosage rate for control of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) in motor vehicles and cargo trailers filled to 85% capacity
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
More than the bite: Introduction of environmental contaminants into the home by bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Quantification of daily feces production for each bed bug (Cimex lectularius) life stage
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Resistance to Fipronil in the Common Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Synergistic toxicity of six compounds against two strains of the common bed bug Cimex lectularius
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Synergistic toxicity of six compounds against two strains of the common bed bug Cimex lectularius
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Improving biological control of bed bugs: Entomopathogen discovery and targeting of immune signaling pathways for synergy
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Bed bugs and histamine: Emerging health concerns from a resurged indoor pest
Program Symposium
On Demand
Development of green repellents/pesticides to control pests of medical importance
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
The costs of proactive bed bug (Cimex lectularius L.) monitoring in multi-unit housing facilities
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:42 AM – 11:54 AM MT
Ultrastructure of Cimex lectularius salivary glands after blood meal infected with Bartonella henselae
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 505-507
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Cixiidae Myndus crudus (3)
On Demand
Alternative vector of lethal yellowing disease in Jamaica
Organized Meeting
Monday, Nov 1st
8:00 AM – 8:12 AM MT
Acquisition and transmission of lethal bronzing phytoplasma by Haplaxius crudus
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Assessing DNA degradation of important plant pathogens and their associated vectors on sticky traps in Florida
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Coccidae Parthenolecanium quercifex (1)
On Demand
Urban heat islands activate sleeper species and predict future forest pests
Plant-Insect EcosystemsProgram Symposium
Hemiptera Coreidae Anasa tristis (5)
On Demand
Competitive exclusion of phytopathogenic Serratia marcescens by symbiotic bacteria in the squash bug, Anasa tristis
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Domestication enhances belowground plant tolerance to aboveground herbivory
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Symbiont community assembly in an insect-microbial mutualism
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
12:06 PM – 12:18 PM MT
Augmentative biological control of squash bug using releases of egg parasitoid, Gryon pennsylvanicum
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Co-Author: Thomas P. Kuhar – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:55 PM – 2:10 PM MT
Perfecting the poop-life balance: Surplus manure fertility in insect food webs
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Hemiptera Delphacidae Peregrinus maidis (1)
On Demand
Functional analysis of Peregrinus maidis sex determination genes and their potential use in genetic pest management
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Diaspididae Melanaspis tenebricosa (1)
On Demand
Urban heat islands activate sleeper species and predict future forest pests
Plant-Insect EcosystemsProgram Symposium
Hemiptera Fulgoridae Lycorma delicatula (13)
On Demand
Biology and ecology of Batkoa major, a fungal pathogen of spotted lanternflies
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Comparing the virulence of commercial versus native Beauveria bassiana strains for spotted lanternfly control
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Potential effects of cold-snaps and heat-waves on spotted lanternfly nymphs
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Season-long effects of spotted lanternfly infestation on young apple and peach trees
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The puzzling lifecycle of Anastatus orientalis, a parasitoid of the spotted lanternfly
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effective communication from the front lines of an invasion
Member Symposium
On Demand
Proactive biological control of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) on the west coast: Non-target host range and behavior of Anastatus orientalis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae)
Member Symposium
On Demand
California’s response to the threat of spotted lanternfly
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Overview of Environmental Entomology and the journal's award winners
Organized Meeting
On Demand
Potential impacts of spotted lanternfly in California
Presenting Author: Holly J. Shugart – Pennsylvania State University
Co-Author: Heather Leach – Michigan State University
Co-author: Julie M. Urban – Pennsylvania State University
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Reader's Choice Award winner for JEE: The establishment risk of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in the United States and globally
Organized Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
3:10 PM – 3:30 PM MT
If I only knew then what I know now
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
3:10 PM – 3:30 PM MT
If I only knew then what I know now
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hemiptera Liviidae Diaphorina citri (10)
On Demand
Ant-psyllid mutualism and its effect on the abundance of natural enemies and predation by lady beetle larvae
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Asian citrus psyllid suppression from IPM programs and response to commonly used insecticides
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effect of temperature, humidity and wind on the dispersal capacity of the Asian citrus psyllid
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Flatten the huanglongbing (HLB) curve! The importance of IPM to limit its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Parasitism of Asian citrus psyllid by Tamarixia radiata on residential citrus in South Texas: Importance of colony size and instar composition
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Spatial distribution of Diphorina citri(Hemiptera: Liviidae) and its biological control in commercial citrus blocks
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Stability and potential mechanisms of fenpropathrin resistance in Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Survival and feeding behavior of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) on common citrus cover crops
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
vATPase-A gene silencing through orally delivered dsRNA in Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Assessing DNA degradation of important plant pathogens and their associated vectors on sticky traps in Florida
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Miridae (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Expanding and dating the phylogeny of Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Miridae Engytatus modestus (1)
On Demand
Symbionts in Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae): association with the heat tolerance of the host?
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Miridae Lygus hesperus (2)
On Demand
Insulin-mediated nutrient partitioning in a non-model insect: The western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Expanding and dating the phylogeny of Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Miridae Lygus lineolaris (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Alfalfa trap cropping to manage Lygus lineolaris in North Central strawberry production
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Miridae Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Evaluation of Cry51Aa2.834_16 traited cotton as a control method of cotton fleahoppers (Pseudatomocelis seriatus Reuter)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 207
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Monophlebidae Icerya purchasi (1)
On Demand
Biological control: An essential component of the toolbox for managing invasive species in the Galapagos Islands
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Euschistus servus (1)
On Demand
A systems approach to pest management thresholds for cotton production
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Halyomorpha halys (6)
On Demand
Identification of key plant-host volatiles affecting behavior of brown marmorated stink bug - Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on commercial hazelnuts
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Utilizing Citizen Scientists to elucidate the biology and ecology of Anastatus reduvii, a potential biological control of Halyomorpha halys
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Hidden host mortality from Trissolcus japonicus: Conventional and molecular evaluation of non-target risk to native pentatomids
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Climate change impacts on the invasive brown marmorated stink bug and Japanese beetle: The good, the bad and the ugly
Plant-Insect EcosystemsProgram Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Edamame IPM: It’s not your grandfather’s soybean pest management program
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:24 AM – 9:36 AM MT
Strategies for the conservation and enhancement of Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), a parasitoid of the invasive Halyomorpha halys
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Oebalus pugnax (1)
On Demand
Evaluating reported control failures of Oebalus pugnax in southeast Texas due to lambda-cyhalothrin resistance
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Piezodorus guildinii (1)
On Demand
Management of redbanded stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Nipaecoccus viridis (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
8:48 AM – 9:00 AM MT
Seasonal phenology of Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on citrus in central Florida
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Pilot studies on mating disruption for grape mealybug, Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn) in Washington State
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 4
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Psyllidae Cacopsylla pyricola (1)
On Demand
Pear psylla: A posterchild for IPM, maybe
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Reduviidae (2)
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Evolutionary history and biogeography of thread-legged assassin bugs (Reduviidae: Emesinae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:36 AM – 9:48 AM MT
Pirate Pursuit: Investigating the evolutionary history of the corsairs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Reduviidae Triatoma (1)
On Demand
Thinking outside the box: reducing the risk for Chagas disease through integrated vector and reservoir control
Member Symposium
Hemiptera Tingidae Stephanitis pyrioides (2)
On Demand
Development of azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Scott), on susceptible and resistant Rhododendron spp. in western Washington
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Exploring silicon supplementation as an alternative tool to enhance resistance to azalea lace bug (Stephanitis pyrioides)
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Tingidae Teleonemia scrupulosa (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
10:12 AM – 10:24 AM MT
Preliminary Phylogeny of the Teleonemia Costa Generic Complex (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hemiptera Triozidae Bactericera cockerelli (4)
On Demand
Keeping up with the microbes: How insect vectors interact with emerging plant pathogens
Member Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
9:10 AM – 9:25 AM MT
Lining up at the buffet: How water stress and host choice interact within intensified landscapes
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Assessing the response of the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) in response to various doses of electron beam irradiation
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:36 AM – 9:48 AM MT
Relationships with wild host plants and psyllid vectors influence the persistence and spread of a unique genetic variant of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum in California
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera (7)
On Demand
Morpho-phylogenetic evidence of Eretmocerus sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitism in Camellia spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus camelliae (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) in Japan
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Parasitoid wasp Jaliscoa hunteri Crawford (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) can effectively suppress pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii Cano) at both first and third larval instars
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Temperature effects on a caterpillar host immune response to parasitism
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Proactive biological control of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) on the west coast: Non-target host range and behavior of Anastatus orientalis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae)
Member Symposium
On Demand
People's Choice Award winner for EE: The impact of prescribed burning on native bee communities (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in longleaf pine savannas in the North Carolina sandhills
Organized Meeting
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Core microbiomes of solitary pollinators: comparison of native bees and flies (Hymenoptera: Anthophila; Diptera: Sryphidae)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:00 AM – 9:12 AM MT
Teamwork makes the dream work: a collaborative phylogenetic analysis of Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) using UCE and AHE targeted loci approaches
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Anthophoridae Habropoda laboriosa (1)
On Demand
Effects of land-use change on the foraging preferences of a purported specialist bee (Habropoda laboriosa)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera (46)
On Demand
Assessing the impact of broadcast-sprayed antibiotics on bee gut microbiome composition and presence of antibiotic-resistant genes
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Assessing the pollination of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis) in the southeast United States
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Biphasic negative effects of chronic imidacloprid exposure on honeybee physiology
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Chlorantraniliprole detoxification in honey bees, Apis mellifera – another job for the catalytically promiscuous CYP9Q subfamily?
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Dispenser design affects delivery of biocontrol agents to crops by honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Failure to provide water decreases caged bee longevity and decreased worker honey bee longevity can explain high rates of colony loss in the US
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Herbivore-induced effects on floral microbiome assembly and consequent pollination
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Honey as a sustainable indicator of heavy metals in tropical rainforest vegetation zone: An early warning monitoring approach
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Honey bees as environmental biomonitors of pathogens and contaminants
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian beekeeping
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Interactive effects of diet quality, pesticide exposure, and virus infection in honey bees
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Investigation of optimal temperature conditions for indoor honeybee pesticide bioassay
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Investigation of optimal temperature conditions for indoor honeybee pesticide bioassay
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Patch fidelity of honey bees and bumble bees differs and is affected by spatial configuration
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Pollinator responses to variation in sunflower crop traits
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Potential mandible differences in the transcriptome among different bee stocks: A multifaceted approach
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Proximity to flowering weeds on fallow fields improves honey bee colony growth in late winter/early spring
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Surrogate species in pesticide risk assessments: toxicological data of two Brazilian stingless bees species.
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Temporal unpredictability of rewards shapes precision but not persistence of honey bee search
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The complementary role of crops, weeds, and pollinator plantings in the diet of honey bees managed in agricultural environments
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The effects of a common agricultural fungicide on carbohydrate absorption in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The protein levels in honey bee-collected pollen on Oahu affect Varroa destructor’s parasitism ability
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Visual contagion in prey defense (anti-hornet) signals can enhance honest honey bee defense
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Challenges in the Land of Opportunity: A journey from Taiwan to the Midwest
Organized Meeting
On Demand
Characterizing genetic variation and the evolution of colony defense in Puerto Rican honey bees
Member Symposium
On Demand
Effects of beekeeper-applied pesticides on the reproductive health of honey bee (Apis mellifera) queen physiology, gene expression and behavior
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Mechanisms underlying chemical adaptation in pollinators
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
My experience in an HBCU and reflections on the diversity and inclusion in the entomology community
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
On Demand
Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Wild bee and Apis mellifera floral resource selection in agriculturally dominated landscapes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Comparisons of grooming behaviors between two honeybee species: Apis cerana and Apis mellifera
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
On Demand
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) social immunity behaviours: Variance between domestic stocks and effect on chalkbrood (Ascosphaera apis) infection
Program Symposium
On Demand
Pesticides and bees in a changing fruit cropping system, thinking beyond the focal farm
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Protein and lipid regulation and its effect on honey bee physiology and behavior
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
The impacts of smoke and heat during the Oregon wildfires on honey bees
Program Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
4:05 PM – 4:25 PM MT
Mitochondrial genome diversity within Apis mellifera subspecies
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Developing a methodology to detect honey bee foraging using bioacoustics analysis
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Does reusing old comb impact colony queen-rearing capacity in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:36 AM – 8:48 AM MT
Fertility costs of cryptic viral infections in queen honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:00 AM – 8:12 AM MT
Acute exposure to sublethal doses of neonicotinoid insecticides increases heat tolerance in honey bees
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 501-502
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Effect of erythritol, a prospective human-safe insecticide for Drosophila suzukii, on honeybee (Apis mellifera) visitation and brood survival
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
11:42 AM – 11:54 AM MT
It's the Great Pumpkin: Pollinators of Virginia
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 207
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Evaluation of sweet alyssum on pollinator diversity and abundance in organic strawberry production
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 210-212
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
3:30 PM – 4:05 PM MT
Using a multiomics approach to understand bee nutritional physiology and bee nutritional landscape
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201-203
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
3:18 PM – 3:30 PM MT
Honeybee gut microbiome and its effects on social behavior
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:18 PM – 2:30 PM MT
Ontogeny of tasks in colonies of the Asian Honeybee, Apis cerana
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus (2)
On Demand
Parallel evolution of mimetic coloration in Western North American bumble bees
Member Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
9:24 AM – 9:36 AM MT
Local and landscape-scale effects on bumble bee occupancy along a rural-urban gradient
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus affinis (1)
On Demand
Bumble bees on the brink: Public engagement in conservation research, policy, and action
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus franklini (2)
On Demand
Avoiding the void - Changing patterns of bumble bee data collection using community science
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
The bee in the forest: Accounting for imperfect detection and biased sampling to improve knowledge of insect distributions
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus impatiens (11)
On Demand
A novel insecticide (flupyradifurone) negatively impacts bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) reproduction
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
A semi-field colony feeding study using the common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens)
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Assessing the pollination of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis) in the southeast United States
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effects of natural infections and environmental conditions on the thermoregulatory capacity of wild bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Examining the effects of imidacloprid on energy metabolism in bumble bee thorax tissue
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Patch fidelity of honey bees and bumble bees differs and is affected by spatial configuration
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Neonicotinoid residue in bedding and landscape plants and effects on butterflies and bumble bees
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Pesticides and bees in a changing fruit cropping system, thinking beyond the focal farm
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:42 AM – 10:54 AM MT
Connecting effects of temperature below and above ground on bumble bee colonies (Bombus impatiens)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:12 AM – 9:24 AM MT
Are physiological effects triggered by CO2 narcosis mediated through anoxia?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus melanopygus (1)
On Demand
Parallel evolution of mimetic coloration in Western North American bumble bees
Member Symposium
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus pensylvanicus (4)
On Demand
Impacts of competition and abiotic conditions on colonization rates of bumblebee boxes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Avoiding the void - Changing patterns of bumble bee data collection using community science
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:42 AM – 11:54 AM MT
It's the Great Pumpkin: Pollinators of Virginia
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 207
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM MT
Where do pollinators go in the winter? Stressors affecting bumble bee health during the solitary phase
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 210-212
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus terricola (1)
On Demand
The bee in the forest: Accounting for imperfect detection and biased sampling to improve knowledge of insect distributions
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Apidae Bombus vosnesenskii (2)
On Demand
Flower plantings support wild bees and may also mitigate pesticide effects on reproduction
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Population structure and disease incidence in Bombus vosnesenskii
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Braconidae Opius longicaudatus (1)
On Demand
Parasitoid wasps, viruses, and prospects for biocontrol
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Cephidae Cephus cinctus (4)
On Demand
Parasitism of wheat stem sawfly larvae in barley by two native braconids
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The effects of early season temperature on adult life history traits of wheat stem sawfly Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) and Bracon cephi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Landscape-scale host crop area and crop diversity as drivers of pest abundance and biological control in wheat agro-ecosystems of the northern Great Plains
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:42 AM – 11:54 AM MT
How a cover crop can benefit parasitoid natural enemies of wheat stem sawfly
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 203
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Cynipidae (1)
On Demand
Solving the puzzle of the prairies: Emerging diversity of Antistrophus gall wasps
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Diprionidae Neodiprion lecontei (2)
On Demand
Genetic basis of divergent host use in hybridizing pine sawflies
Member Symposium
On Demand
Genome-wide patterns of genetic differentiation in a pair of hybridizing pine sawfly species
Member Symposium
Hymenoptera Diprionidae Neodiprion pinetum (2)
On Demand
Genetic basis of divergent host use in hybridizing pine sawflies
Member Symposium
On Demand
Genome-wide patterns of genetic differentiation in a pair of hybridizing pine sawfly species
Member Symposium
Hymenoptera Formicidae (4)
On Demand
Comparing intra- and inter-specific variation in mutualist effectiveness in ant-plant interactions: An experimental and meta-analytical approach
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The role of vegetation complexity and soil characteristics on ant communities
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Do parasitic ant crickets (Myrmecophilidae) mimic ant gasters?
Organized Meeting
Sunday, Oct 31st
2:03 PM – 2:18 PM MT
Do behavior and physiological adaptation mitigate ectotherm responses to urban warming?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Formicidae Camponotus atriceps (1)
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:06 PM – 2:18 PM MT
Lateralization of olfactory associative learning in Camponotus floridanus
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Formica (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
8:12 AM – 8:24 AM MT
Climatic adaptation of the widespread ant species Formica podzolica: A landscape genomics approach
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 203
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Linepithema humile (3)
On Demand
Delivering boric acid bait via Alginate Hydrogel: field studies with Argentine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Nine-exon odorant receptors are enriched in the antennae of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:30 PM – 2:42 PM MT
Essential oils as an alternative to pyrethroids as insecticide active ingredients
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205-207
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Pheidole megacephala (1)
On Demand
Carabidae in a coal mine?: Forensic analysis of Hawai‵i’ insect apocalypse
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Pogonomyrmex barbatus (1)
On Demand
Temporal plasticity of thermal tolerance in ants: short and long-term fluctuations with temperature
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Solenopsis invicta (4)
On Demand
The Immune Response of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to Solenopsis invicta Virus-3
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The Immune Response of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to Solenopsis invicta Virus-3
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:36 AM – 8:48 AM MT
Quit bugging me: The influence of parasitoid phorid flies on foraging in fire ant workers
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 203
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
4:05 PM – 4:20 PM MT
Supergene regulation of social polymorphism in fire ants
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201-203
Member Symposium
Hymenoptera Formicidae Tapinoma sessile (2)
On Demand
Population genetic structure of a native, urban invader ant Tapinoma sessile
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
A population study of the native ant Tapinoma sessile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) in eastern Tennessee using morphology, genomics and climate-elevational data
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Formicidae Wasmannia auropunctata (2)
On Demand
Assessing distribution and population organization of the little fire ant (Wasmannia auropunctata) in Florida: Behavior may indicate invasion history
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Ecological niche modeling and the importance of human disturbance in predicting the distribution of an invasive ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, under current and future conditions
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Megachilidae Megachile (1)
On Demand
Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Hymenoptera Megachilidae Megachile rotundata (5)
On Demand
Bee foraging behavior as predictor of plant reproduction and gene flow
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Determining the cue for metamorphosis in the solitary bee Megachile rotundata
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Impact of Melittobia acasta on Megachile rotundata managed populations during fall and spring
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
One thing leads to another – Significant changes in microRNAs abundances suggest they have a role regulating the transition from diapause to post-diapause quiescence in overwintering Megachile rotundata
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
The impact of diapause and stress on transposable element silencing in two agricultural bees
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
Hymenoptera Scelionidae Trissolcus japonicus (2)
On Demand
Hidden host mortality from Trissolcus japonicus: Conventional and molecular evaluation of non-target risk to native pentatomids
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
9:24 AM – 9:36 AM MT
Strategies for the conservation and enhancement of Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), a parasitoid of the invasive Halyomorpha halys
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Siricidae (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Movement of woodwasps in international invasion pathways
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 205
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Vespidae Polistes dominula (1)
On Demand
Invasive paper wasp turns urban pollinator gardens into ecological traps for monarch butterfly larvae
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Hymenoptera Vespidae Vespula pensylvanica (1)
On Demand
Impact of trapping and baiting on yellowjacket control
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Isopoda Asellidae Lirceus brachyurus (1)
On Demand
The parental brain of a desert isopod
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera (3)
On Demand
Comparing the impacts of autumn leaf litter management and canopy diversity on overwintering insect communities in rural and urban landscapes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Temperature effects on a caterpillar host immune response to parasitism
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:12 AM – 10:24 AM MT
Butterfly longevity and floral preference in pollinator gardens
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Human management in cities and suburbs: Challenges and opportunities for insect conservation
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
Lepidoptera Crambidae (1)
On Demand
Chasing snout moths: A woman's quest for discovery in the tropics
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Crambidae Diatraea saccharalis (1)
On Demand
Identification and characterization of an RNAi efficiency-related nuclease in Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Crambidae Eoreuma loftini (1)
On Demand
Characterization of resistance to the Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) among Louisiana sugarcane cultivars
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Crambidae Ostrinia nubilalis (5)
On Demand
Aboveground herbivory influences belowground defense responses in maize
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Mechanisms influencing the efficiency of RNA interference in the European corn borer
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Genomic determinants of ecological variation in European corn borer
Member Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:30 AM – 11:42 AM MT
Larval movement and survival for western corn rootworm and European corn borer in blended refuges of short-stature corn
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:20 PM – 2:35 PM MT
Insect management on sweet corn
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Danaidae Danaus plexippus (8)
On Demand
Host plant specificity of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Influence of habitat configuration on breeding-season female monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) movement and space use in north-central USA agroecosystem landscapes
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Invasive paper wasp turns urban pollinator gardens into ecological traps for monarch butterfly larvae
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Larval exposure to Clothianidin lowers flight metabolic rates of monarch butterflies
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Neonicotinoid residue in bedding and landscape plants and effects on butterflies and bumble bees
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
9:00 AM – 9:12 AM MT
The use of citizen science data to determine spatio-temporal patterns in monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) parasite infection in the Southeastern US
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 505-507
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Making Monarch Migrants: Evaluation of flight energetics, wing morphology, and egg development
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:50 PM – 3:05 PM MT
Risk assessment of Bt crops and promotion of biological control
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Erebidae (1)
On Demand
Phylogenetic relationships of the Euchromiine tiger moths
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversityStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Erebidae Estigmene acrea (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
9:36 AM – 9:48 AM MT
Very hungry caterpillars: Exposure to herbivore-induced volatiles increases caterpillar feeding on neighboring plants
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Erebidae Hyphantria cunea (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
11:54 AM – 12:06 PM MT
The effect of climate change and host plant quality on phenology and mortality of H. cunea
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Viral infection and fecundity drive population cycles of a forest insect
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Chloridea virescens (1)
On Demand
Finding and adapting to your niche in a changing research ecosystem
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Chrysodeixis includens (3)
On Demand
Monitoring defoliation by Chrysodeixis includens in soybean using proximal hyperspectral imaging
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Regulation of Gene Expression by a Viral RNA Polymerase in the Parasitoid, Microplitis demolitor
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
9:00 AM – 9:12 AM MT
Dosage response of Chrysodeixis NPV (ChinNPV) and the impact of larval infection of ChinNPV on soybean, Glycine max , defoliation
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Helicoverpa armigera (3)
On Demand
Helicoverpa armigera (HuÈbner) and H. zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn, soybean and sunflower in Puerto Rico and the toxicity of selected insecticides to populations of Helicoverpa spp.
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Baculovirus insecticides: Present and future, opportunities and challenges
Member Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:55 PM – 2:10 PM MT
Role of baculoviruses in insect pest resistance management programs
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Helicoverpa zea (16)
On Demand
Automated detection of field-evolved lepidopteran resistance to Bt-maize using computer vision
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Fitness costs of the Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2-single and dual-gene resistance in Helicoverpa zea on non-Bt diet
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Helicoverpa armigera (HuÈbner) and H. zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn, soybean and sunflower in Puerto Rico and the toxicity of selected insecticides to populations of Helicoverpa spp.
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Okra leaf cotton effect on canopy microclimate and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) egg hatch
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Silencing the alarm: An insect salivary enzyme closes plant stomata and inhibits volatile release
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Silencing the alarm: An insect salivary enzyme closes plant stomata and inhibits volatile release
Organized Meeting
On Demand
The promise and pitfalls of genomic resistance monitoring: Genome evolution in Helicoverpa zea following release of transgenic crops
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Developing reference quality genome assemblies for row crop pests
Member Symposium
On Demand
Genomic signatures of adaptation to Bt-expressing transgenic crops in the agricultural pest, Helicoverpa zea
Member Symposium
On Demand
Managing resistance to Bt crops: Lessons from failures and successes
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Organized Meeting
Monday, Nov 1st
8:24 AM – 8:36 AM MT
Edamame IPM: It’s not your grandfather’s soybean pest management program
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:42 AM – 10:54 AM MT
Fitness costs associated with Vip3A resistance in Helicoverpa zea
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Overview of arthropod pests of Cannabis sativa across the United States: Potential impact of climate change
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:20 PM – 2:35 PM MT
Insect management on sweet corn
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Mamestra configurata (1)
On Demand
Insect trap networks for pests of oilseed crops in western Canada
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Mythimna unipuncta (2)
On Demand
Adapt. Advance. Transform: Automated traps for pest monitoring
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Three years of areawide armyworm trapping in rice: What we have learned
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Spodoptera exigua (6)
On Demand
Development of multiplex PCR-based protocols for simultaneous diagnosis of three Spodoptera and one Mamestra species
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Dioecious plants’ response to insect herbivore chewing vibrations
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Insect thromboxane mediates insect blood cell aggregation through calcium signal via a PG receptor
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
A diversity of viruses in natural caterpillar populations
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
The dance between plants and insects: a tango between generalist Spodoptera exigua caterpillars and arabidopsis
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Reviewer's Choice Award winner for EE: Herbivorous caterpillars can utilize three mechanisms to alter green leaf volatile emission
Organized Meeting
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Spodoptera frugiperda (17)
On Demand
An upgrade for armyworm phylogeny: Combined organellar and nuclear loci recover clades of Spodoptera Guenée that correspond to larval feeding
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Comparing predation in residential turfgrass and sod farms
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Development of multiplex PCR-based protocols for simultaneous diagnosis of three Spodoptera and one Mamestra species
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Dioecious plants’ response to insect herbivore chewing vibrations
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effect of dsRNase genes in RNA interference of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
Organized Meeting
On Demand
Genetics and ecology of Spodoptera frugiperda in an interbreeding region
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Influence of host plants on the diversity of gut microbiota communities of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Modulation of jasmonate-isoleucine catabolism by virus-induced gene silencing improves insect resistance in maize (Zea mays)
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Baculovirus insecticides: Present and future, opportunities and challenges
Member Symposium
On Demand
Enhancing dsRNA stability and delivery in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Finding and adapting to your niche in a changing research ecosystem
Member Symposium
On Demand
Importance of coordination across industry, academia and crop consultants for insecticide resistance management
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Managing resistance to Bt crops: Lessons from failures and successes
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Globalization of invasive agricultural moth assemblages: Fulfilling their climate destiny?
Plant-Insect EcosystemsProgram Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
2:42 PM – 2:54 PM MT
Field-evolved resistance of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Puerto Rico to pyrethroids: The role of broad detoxification enzymes
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:55 PM – 2:10 PM MT
Role of baculoviruses in insect pest resistance management programs
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Member Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:50 PM – 3:05 PM MT
Risk assessment of Bt crops and promotion of biological control
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Spodoptera ornithogalli (1)
On Demand
Steering soil legacies in high tunnel tomatoes for crop and pest management
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Striacosta albicosta (3)
On Demand
Adapt. Advance. Transform: Automated traps for pest monitoring
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Findings from three NY pest trapping networks
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:54 PM – 2:06 PM MT
Chemigation efficacy of applied insecticides for western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) management in corn
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Trichoplusia ni (3)
On Demand
Herbivore-induced effects on floral microbiome assembly and consequent pollination
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Plant-chewers turned flesh-eaters: Altered macronutrient ratios promote cannibalism in a generalist herbivore pest (Trichoplusia ni)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Molecular battle between plants and insects in a warming world
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Vanessa cardui (1)
On Demand
CRISPR/Cas9 and chromatin accessibility reveal regulatory switches of WntA: A butterfly wing pattern ground-plan gene
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Pieridae Pieris rapae (1)
On Demand
Host–parasitoid networks across gradients of garden management and urban landscapes
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Lepidoptera Plutellidae Plutella xylostella (9)
On Demand
Impact of the naturalized weed Virginia pepperweed (Lepidium virginicum) on the behavior of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and its parasitoid (Cotesia plutellae) in Hawaii
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Areawide monitoring of diamondback moth: Implications for IPM and resistance management
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
On Demand
Development of a baculovirus for diamondback moth management in Georgia
Member Symposium
On Demand
First field release of a genetically engineered, self-limiting agricultural pest insect
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Historical perceptive on the discovery and commercialization of novel acting molecules and the quest to reduce widespread resistance
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Importance of coordination across industry, academia and crop consultants for insecticide resistance management
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Genetic pest management
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Integrating specialized pheromone and lure application technology in the management of diamondback moth in cabbage
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 1
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
3:20 PM – 3:35 PM MT
Model systems for assessment of IRM strategies for Bt crops and insecticides
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Plant-Insect EcosystemsMember Symposium
Lepidoptera Pyralidae (1)
On Demand
Chasing snout moths: A woman's quest for discovery in the tropics
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Amyelois transitella (3)
On Demand
Comparison of transportation methods’ effect on flight performance of navel orangeworm for sterile insect technique
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Exploring the use of the sterile insect technique for navel orangeworm (Amyelois transitella) control in California. An update on recent progress
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effect of sex pheromone concentration for monitoring and population suppression in Phycitinae
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Plodia interpunctella (3)
On Demand
Synthetic amorphous silica for post-harvest control of Tribolium castaneum and Plodia interpunctella in California tree nut commodities
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Effect of sex pheromone concentration for monitoring and population suppression in Phycitinae
Member Symposium
On Demand
Functional genomics tools for Plodia mealmoths: Genome editing and transgenesis
Member Symposium
Lepidoptera Saturniidae Actias luna (1)
On Demand
Human management in cities and suburbs: Challenges and opportunities for insect conservation
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
Lepidoptera Sesiidae Sesia tibialis (1)
On Demand
Visual contagion in prey defense (anti-hornet) signals can enhance honest honey bee defense
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Lepidoptera Sphingidae (1)
On Demand
Darwin's hawkmoth (Xanthopan morganii praedicta) emits ultrasound at bat sonar-jamming rates
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Local adaptation in cold tolerance in overwintering spruce budworm
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyMember Symposium
On Demand
The genetics and physiology of spruce budworm overwintering
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Lepidoptera Tortricidae Cydia pomonella (5)
Monday, Nov 1st
9:48 AM – 10:00 AM MT
Assessing the efficacy of hail-netting for sustainable apple pest management in Minnesota
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons Ballroom 4
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:30 AM – 10:42 AM MT
Deorphanization of Cydia pomonella Or22 using a two-electrode voltage clamp
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Evaluating complementarity between codling moth entomopathogens
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:54 PM – 2:06 PM MT
CropCoatTM: A novel sprayable film technology that provides consistent protection of apples from codling moth and other economically important arthropod pests
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:54 PM – 2:06 PM MT
CropCoatTM: A novel sprayable film technology that provides consistent protection of apples from codling moth and other economically important arthropod pests
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Neuroptera Chrysopidae Chrysoperla (1)
On Demand
Whole-system IPM means herbicides too: A closer look at non-target effects on predators
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Odonata (1)
On Demand
Harnessing biodiversity informatics to evaluate global insect data coverage
Program Symposium
Orthoptera (2)
On Demand
Evolution and speciation in afromontane and alpine grasshoppers in Southern Africa
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Do parasitic ant crickets (Myrmecophilidae) mimic ant gasters?
Organized Meeting
Orthoptera Acrididae Schistocerca americana (1)
On Demand
Where do I belong? Claiming your space, culture, and community in STEM
Member Symposium
Orthoptera Gryllidae Teleogryllus oceanicus (1)
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
9:00 AM – 9:12 AM MT
A narrow escape: Have crickets evolved a temporal escape strategy to avoid parasitism?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 102-106
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity10-Minute Paper
Now you see me, now you don't: Host defense triggers rapid diversification of cryptic coloration in experimentally evolving parasites
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Siphonaptera Pulicidae Ctenocephalides felis (1)
On Demand
Options for flea and tick control
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Thysanoptera (1)
Monday, Nov 1st
11:18 AM – 11:30 AM MT
Evaluation of Cry51Aa2.834_16 traited cotton as a control method of cotton fleahoppers (Pseudatomocelis seriatus Reuter)
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 207
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Thysanoptera Thripidae Frankliniella fusca (5)
On Demand
A systems approach to pest management thresholds for cotton production
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Novel insights on thysanoptera genetics through PacBio sequencing
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Novel nanoparticle formulation improves tolerance of Metarhizium brunneum exposed to ultraviolet radiation
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
On Demand
The relevance of a predatory mite in the management of insect-transmitted viruses in vegetable production
Member Symposium
Monday, Nov 1st
10:12 AM – 10:24 AM MT
Detection of viruliferous thrips transmitting tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) under field conditions in peanut
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Thysanoptera Thripidae Frankliniella occidentalis (7)
On Demand
Biosynthetic machinery of aggregation pheromone releasing by male adults of the western flower thrips
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Circadian rhythmicity of feeding and reproductive behaviors in the western flower thrips
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologyStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Comparative efficacy of biocontrol agents for managing western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) in greenhouse ornamentals
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
Evaluation of commercial lures as a component of a trap crop system for western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
What happens when you assume: Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) as a major pest of floriculture crops in controlled environments using biological control
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:00 AM – 10:12 AM MT
Identification of a transcriptionally-responsive, TSWV-interacting protein in Frankliniella occidentalis first instar guts
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
3:30 PM – 3:42 PM MT
Monitoring thrips population in the Texas panhandle in relation to wheat maturity
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Thysanoptera Thripidae Frankliniella vaccinii (1)
On Demand
Identification of alternative hosts of flower thrips invading blueberry fields in Georgia
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Quantifying the pre-colonization interval with human remains
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology10-Minute Paper
Thysanoptera Thripidae Scirtothrips dorsalis (2)
On Demand
Drone-released versus hand-released predatory mites for biological control of strawberry pests in Florida
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Control of chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on roses using an ornamental pepper banker plant system
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Thysanoptera Thripidae Thrips tabaci (5)
On Demand
Comparative efficacy of biocontrol agents for managing western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) in greenhouse ornamentals
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
On Demand
What happens when you assume: Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) as a major pest of floriculture crops in controlled environments using biological control
Plant-Insect Ecosystems10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
8:36 AM – 8:48 AM MT
Do onion thrips prefer to feed on healthy or anthracnose inoculated onion plants?
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Monday, Nov 1st
10:54 AM – 11:06 AM MT
Developing spatially-optimized sequential sampling plans for onion thrips in onion
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 207
Plant-Insect EcosystemsStudent Competition 10-Minute Paper
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
2:06 PM – 2:18 PM MT
Less is more: Evaluating reduced applications of fertilizer and insecticide for management of onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) on onion
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109