A Functional Genomics Approach to Insect Overwintering and Cold Tolerance On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Adapt, Advance, Coevolve: Exploring Convergent Evolution in Ants and Their Partners On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
On Demand
Adapting to Evolving Knowledge of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) Biology and Ecology for Advancing Management Practices On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Adapting, Advancing and Transforming Molecular Tools for Insect Management On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Adopting Innovative Technologies to Transform Monitoring & Detection of Pests in Urban Environment On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Advance Research in Insect Repellents On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Advancements in Arthropod Management in Controlled Environments On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Advances, Strategies and Challenges to Tick Control On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Arthropod Pest Management in Large Scale Agroecosystems On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Conserving Insects in a Vertebrate-minded World by Sharing Stories of Challenges and Success Across Taxonomic Boundaries
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
DoD-funded Research to Transform Ideas into Advanced Products for Vector Control and Bite Prevention On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Ecology, Epidemiology, and Management of Whiteflies and Whitefly-transmitted Viruses On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Entomopathogenic Nematode Signaling and Behavioral Ecology Translates into Improved Sustainable Insect Management On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
From Start to Finish: The Path to Product Development On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Herbivory Through the Ages: Understanding Patterns of Insect Damage Through Space and Time On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Highlights from EntoPOC Instar Student Research On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
On Demand
Insect Conservation for a Changing World: Integrating Ecology, Policy, and Public Outreach On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
On Demand
Insects in a Changing World: Urban Systems as a Model for Disturbance On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
IOBC-NRS Symposium: Diversity in Biocontrol: Scale, Systems, and Practitioners On-Demand Presentations
IPM Models: A Holistic Approach to Both Traditional and Modern Tools On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Mechanisms and Strategies of Arthropod Adaptation to the Chemical Environment
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Opportunity, Constraint, or Mishap? Exploring Forces of Selection Acting on Parasitic Arthropods On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Pollinator Nutritional Research: From Collecting and Characterizing Floral Resource Provisions to the Inference of Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Technical Advances and Regulatory Perspectives in RNAi for Control of Agricultural Pests On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Tick and Tickborne Pathogen Surveillance: Tracking the Expanding Risk of Tickborne Diseases On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
On Demand
Tradeoffs of Adapting to a Changing World: From Physiological to Behavioral Transformations On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Transforming Agricultural Landscapes: Current Perspectives on How Intensification Impacts Arthropods and Pathways Toward a Sustainable Future On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Uncomfortable Conversations About Insecticide Resistance On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
On Demand
Using Technology to Adapt, Advance, and Transform Insect Resistance Management On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
On Demand
Vector/pathogen Molecular and Cellular Interactions On-Demand Presentations
Location: Colorado Convention Center
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
8:00 AM – 9:40 AM MT
Using Technology to Adapt, Advance, and Transform Insect Resistance Management
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
9:00 AM – 10:05 AM MT
Transforming Agricultural Landscapes: Current Perspectives on How Intensification Impacts Arthropods and Pathways Toward a Sustainable Future
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
1:30 PM – 2:50 PM MT
Insects in a Changing World: Urban Systems as a Model for Disturbance
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM MT
Opportunity, Constraint, or Mishap? Exploring Forces of Selection Acting on Parasitic Arthropods
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 301-303
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM MT
Tradeoffs of Adapting to a Changing World: From Physiological to Behavioral Transformations
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM MT
Advances, Strategies and Challenges to Tick Control
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Sunday, Oct 31st
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM MT
Ecology, Epidemiology, and Management of Whiteflies and Whitefly-transmitted Viruses
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM MT
A Functional Genomics Approach to Insect Overwintering and Cold Tolerance
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 405-407
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:30 PM – 3:20 PM MT
Uncomfortable Conversations About Insecticide Resistance
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Physiology, Biochemistry, and ToxicologySection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:30 PM – 3:25 PM MT
Advancements in Arthropod Management in Controlled Environments
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 107-109
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:30 PM – 4:15 PM MT
Arthropod Pest Management in Large Scale Agroecosystems
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Tuesday, Nov 2nd
1:30 PM – 4:35 PM MT
Adapting to Evolving Knowledge of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) Biology and Ecology for Advancing Management Practices
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 103-105
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM MT
IOBC-NRS Symposium: Diversity in Biocontrol: Scale, Systems, and Practitioners Panel Discussion
IPM Models: A Holistic Approach to Both Traditional and Modern Tools
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
8:30 AM – 10:15 AM MT
Advance Research in Insect Repellents
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 201-203
Medical, Urban, and Veterinary EntomologySection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:00 AM – 9:50 AM MT
Insect Conservation for a Changing World: Integrating Ecology, Policy, and Public Outreach
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 210-212
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM MT
Adapt, Advance, Coevolve: Exploring Convergent Evolution in Ants and Their Partners
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-404
Systematics, Evolution, and BiodiversitySection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:30 PM – 3:35 PM MT
Herbivory Through the Ages: Understanding Patterns of Insect Damage Through Space and Time
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 111-113
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
1:30 PM – 4:10 PM MT
Pollinator Nutritional Research: From Collecting and Characterizing Floral Resource Provisions to the Inference of Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room 108-110
Plant-Insect EcosystemsSection Symposium
Wednesday, Nov 3rd
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM MT
IOBC-NRS Symposium: Diversity in Biocontrol: Scale, Systems, and Practitioners Panel Discussion